from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import torch
import zonopy as zp
import numpy as np
from urchin import Link
from collections import OrderedDict
from zonopyrobots.robots import ZonoArmRobot
from zonopyrobots.util import make_cfg_dict
from typing import Dict, Any, Union, List
from typing import OrderedDict as OrderedDictType
from zonopy import polyZonotope as PZType
from zonopy import matPolyZonotope as MPZType
from zonopy import batchPolyZonotope as BPZType
from zonopy import batchMatPolyZonotope as BMPZType
[docs]def pzrnea(rotatotopes: Union[Dict[str, Union[MPZType, BMPZType]], List[Union[MPZType, BMPZType]], None],
qd: Union[Dict[str, Union[PZType, BPZType]], List[Union[PZType, BPZType]], None],
qd_aux: Union[Dict[str, Union[PZType, BPZType]], List[Union[PZType, BPZType]], None],
qdd: Union[Dict[str, Union[PZType, BPZType]], List[Union[PZType, BPZType]], None],
robot: ZonoArmRobot,
zono_order: int = 40,
gravity: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray] = torch.tensor([0, 0, -9.81]),
link_mass_override: Dict[str, Any] = None,
link_center_mass_override: Dict[str, Any] = None,
link_inertia_override: Dict[str, Any] = None,
) -> OrderedDictType[str, Dict[str, Union[PZType, BPZType, torch.Tensor]]]:
"""RNEA for an arm robot using Polynomial Zonotopes
This is implemented based the description of the Iterative Newton-Euler Algorithm (RNEA) described in John J. Craig's "Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control" 3rd Edition, Chapter 6.5. ISBN: 978-0-201-54361-2.
rotatotopes (Union[Dict[str, Union[matPolyZonotope, batchMatPolyZonotope]], List[Union[matPolyZonotope, batchMatPolyZonotope]], None]):
Dictionary of rotatotopes for each joint, or a list of rotatotopes for each joint. If a list is provided, it is assumed to be in the same order as the actuated joints in the URDF.
If not provided, it will use the identity matrix for each joint.
qd (Union[Dict[str, Union[polyZonotope, batchPolyZonotope]], List[Union[polyZonotope, batchPolyZonotope]], None]):
Dictionary of joint velocities for each joint, or a list of joint velocities for each joint. If a list is provided, it is assumed to be in the same order as the actuated joints in the URDF.
If not provided, it will use 0 for each joint.
qd_aux (Union[Dict[str, Union[polyZonotope, batchPolyZonotope]], List[Union[polyZonotope, batchPolyZonotope]], None]):
Dictionary of joint auxillary velocities for each joint, or a list of joint auxillary velocities for each joint. If a list is provided, it is assumed to be in the same order as the actuated joints in the URDF.
If not provided, it will use the same value as `qd`.
qdd (Union[Dict[str, Union[polyZonotope, batchPolyZonotope]], List[Union[polyZonotope, batchPolyZonotope]], None]):
Dictionary of joint accelerations for each joint, or a list of joint accelerations for each joint. If a list is provided, it is assumed to be in the same order as the actuated joints in the URDF.
If not provided, it will use 0 for each joint.
robot (ZonoArmRobot):
The robot to use for the RNEA
zono_order (int, optional):
The order of the zonotopes to use. Lower is faster but less accurate. Defaults to 40.
gravity (Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], optional):
The gravity vector to use. Defaults to [0, 0, -9.81].
link_mass_override (Dict[str, Any], optional):
Dictionary of link masses to override the URDF values. Defaults to None.
link_center_mass_override (Dict[str, Any], optional): [description].
Dictionary of link center of masses to override the URDF values. Defaults to None.
link_inertia_override (Dict[str, Any], optional): [description].
Dictionary of link inertias to override the URDF values. Defaults to None.
OrderedDictType[str, Dict[str, Union[polyZonotope, batchPolyZonotope, torch.Tensor]]]:
Dictionary of joint dynamics. Each entry is a dictionary with keys 'force', 'moment', and 'torque' (if applicable).
## RUN
rot_map = make_cfg_dict(rotatotopes, robot.urdf)
qd_map = make_cfg_dict(qd, robot.urdf)
qdd_map = make_cfg_dict(qdd, robot.urdf)
if qd_aux is not None:
qd_aux_map = make_cfg_dict(qd_aux, robot.urdf)
qd_aux_map = qd_map
urdf = robot.urdf
# Update all overrides
link_mass = {link.name: robot.link_data[link].mass for link in urdf.links}
if link_mass_override is not None:
link_center_mass = {link.name: robot.link_data[link].center_mass for link in urdf.links}
if link_center_mass_override is not None:
link_inertia = {link.name: robot.link_data[link].inertia for link in urdf.links}
if link_inertia_override is not None:
# Set up initial conditions
w_parent = torch.zeros(3, device=robot.device, dtype=robot.dtype)
wdot_parent = torch.zeros(3, device=robot.device, dtype=robot.dtype)
linear_acc_parent = torch.zeros(3, device=robot.device, dtype=robot.dtype)
w_aux_parent = torch.zeros(3, device=robot.device, dtype=robot.dtype)
if gravity is not None:
linear_acc_parent = -torch.as_tensor(gravity, device=robot.device, dtype=robot.dtype)
## Forward recursion
# for each joint
joint_dict = OrderedDict()
# Compute in reverse topological order, base to end
# This is the slowest part (needs profiling)
for lnk in urdf._reverse_topo:
# If this is the base link, continue since there's no parent joint
if lnk is urdf.base_link:
# get the path to the base and use the relevant joint
# consider only the first two joint
path = urdf._paths_to_base[lnk]
joint = urdf._G.get_edge_data(path[0], path[1])["joint"]
parent_joint = None
if path[1] is not urdf.base_link:
parent_joint = urdf._G.get_edge_data(path[1], path[2])["joint"]
w_parent = joint_dict[parent_joint]['w']
w_aux_parent = joint_dict[parent_joint]['w_aux']
wdot_parent = joint_dict[parent_joint]['wdot']
linear_acc_parent = joint_dict[parent_joint]['linear_acc']
# Get the relevant configs
# TODO determine mimic behaviors
name = joint.name
multiplier = 1.
offset = 0.
if joint.mimic is not None:
mimic_joint = urdf._joint_map[joint.mimic.joint]
name = mimic_joint.name
multiplier = joint.mimic.multiplier
offset = joint.mimic.offset
import warnings
warnings.warn('Mimic joint may not work')
rotato_cfg = rot_map.get(name, torch.eye(3, dtype=robot.dtype, device=robot.device))
joint_vel = qd_map.get(name, 0)
joint_vel_aux = qd_aux_map.get(name, joint_vel)
joint_acc = qdd_map.get(name, 0)
# rotato_cfg = multiplier * rotato_cfg + offset
# joint_vel = qd_map.get(name, 0) * multiplier
# joint_vel_aux = qd_aux_map.get(name, 0) * multiplier
# joint_acc = qdd_map.get(name, 0) * multiplier
# Get the transform for the joint
# joint_rot = joint.origin_tensor[0:3,0:3]
joint_rot = robot.joint_data[joint].origin[0:3,0:3]
joint_rot = joint_rot@rotato_cfg
# joint_pos = joint.origin_tensor[0:3,3]
joint_pos = robot.joint_data[joint].origin[0:3,3]
joint_axis = robot.joint_data[joint].axis
if joint.joint_type in ['revolute', 'continuous']:
joint_tuple = (joint_vel, joint_vel_aux, joint_acc)
joint_tuple = None
out = _pzrnea_forward_recursion(joint_rot,
out_w, out_w_aux, out_wdot, out_linear_acc, out_F, out_N = out
joint_dict[joint] = {
'w': out_w,
'w_aux': out_w_aux,
'wdot': out_wdot,
'linear_acc': out_linear_acc,
'F': out_F,
'N': out_N,
'joint_rot': joint_rot,
'joint_pos': joint_pos,
'child_link': lnk,
'parent_joint': parent_joint
# If it's an end link, add an extra dictionary element
if lnk in urdf.end_links:
# Use the lnk as a dummy element. This denotes the initial conditions for each reverse
joint_dict[lnk] = {
'f': torch.zeros(3, dtype=robot.dtype, device=robot.device),
'n': torch.zeros(3, dtype=robot.dtype, device=robot.device),
'joint_rot': zp.matPolyZonotope.eye(3, dtype=robot.dtype, device=robot.device),
'joint_pos': zp.polyZonotope.zeros(3, dtype=robot.dtype, device=robot.device),
'parent_joint': joint
# Reverse recursion
for props in reversed(joint_dict.values()):
if props['parent_joint'] is None:
parent_props = joint_dict[props['parent_joint']]
out = _pzrnea_reverse_recursion(props['joint_rot'],
f = getattr(parent_props, 'f', 0) + out[0]
n = getattr(parent_props, 'n', 0) + out[1]
# Reduce here because it blows up otherwise
parent_props['f'] = f.reduce(zono_order)
parent_props['n'] = n.reduce(zono_order)
# Calculate joint torques
out_joint_dict = OrderedDict()
for joint in joint_dict:
if isinstance(joint, Link):
out_joint_dict[joint] = {
'force': joint_dict[joint]['f'],
'moment': joint_dict[joint]['n']
if joint.joint_type in ['revolute', 'continuous']:
joint_axis = robot.joint_data[joint].axis
torque = joint_axis.unsqueeze(0) @ joint_dict[joint]['n'] # dot product
out_joint_dict[joint]['torque'] = torque
return out_joint_dict
def _pzrnea_forward_recursion(joint_rot, w, w_aux, wdot, linear_acc, joint_axis, joint_pos, mass, com, I, joint_tuple = None, zono_order = 40):
# handle if we have any joint state or not
w_contrib = 0
w_aux_contrib = 0
wdot_contrib = 0
if joint_tuple is not None:
# tuple has vel, vel_aux, and acc
joint_vel, joint_vel_aux, joint_acc = joint_tuple
w_contrib = joint_vel * joint_axis
w_aux_contrib = joint_vel_aux * joint_axis
wdot_contrib = zp.cross(joint_rot.T @ w_aux, joint_vel * joint_axis) + joint_acc * joint_axis
# 6.45 angular velocity (and auxillary)
out_w = joint_rot.T @ w + w_contrib
out_w = out_w.reduce(zono_order)
out_w_aux = joint_rot.T @ w_aux + w_aux_contrib
out_w_aux = out_w_aux.reduce(zono_order)
# 6.46 angular acceleration
out_wdot = joint_rot.T @ wdot + wdot_contrib
out_wdot = out_wdot.reduce(zono_order)
# 6.47 linear acceleration
out_linear_acc = joint_rot.T @ (linear_acc + zp.cross(wdot, joint_pos) + zp.cross(w, zp.cross(w_aux, joint_pos)))
out_linear_acc = out_linear_acc.reduce(zono_order) # reduce here because this blows up
# 6.48 linear acceleration of COM aux
out_linear_acc_com = out_linear_acc + zp.cross(out_wdot, com) + zp.cross(out_w, zp.cross(out_w_aux, com))
# out_linear_acc_com.reduce_indep(zono_order)
# 6.49 calculate forces
out_F = mass * out_linear_acc_com
out_F = out_F.reduce_indep(zono_order)
# 6.50 calculate torques
out_N = I @ out_wdot + zp.cross(out_w_aux, I @ out_w)
out_N = out_N.reduce_indep(zono_order)
return out_w, out_w_aux, out_wdot, out_linear_acc, out_F, out_N
def _pzrnea_reverse_recursion(R, f, F, n, N, com, P, zono_order = 40):
# this is going backwards!
# 6.51 compute forces at each joint
out_f = R @ f + F
# 6.52 compute moments at each joint
out_n = N + R @ n + zp.cross(com, F) + zp.cross(P, R @ f)
return out_f, out_n