Source code for zonopy.contset.zonotope.batch_zono

Define class for batch zonotope
Author: Yongseok Kwon
Reference: CORA

import torch
from zonopy.contset.polynomial_zonotope.batch_poly_zono import batchPolyZonotope 
from zonopy.contset.interval.interval import interval
from zonopy.contset.zonotope.utils import pickedBatchGenerators
from zonopy.contset.zonotope.zono import zonotope
from ..gen_ops import (

[docs]class batchZonotope: r''' Batched 1D zonotope class Batched form of the :class:`zonotope` class. This class is used to represent a batch of zonotopes over arbitrary batch dimensions, where each zonotope in the batch is expanded to have the same number of generators. This results in a :math:`\mathbf{Z}` tensor of shape :math:`B_1 \times B_2 \times \ldots \times (N+1) \times d`. Refer to the :class:`zonotope` class for more details on zonotopes. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, Z, dtype=None, device=None): r""" Initialize a batch zonotope Args: Z (torch.Tensor): The :math:`\mathbf{Z}` tensor of shape :math:`B_1 \times B_2 \times \ldots \times (N+1) \times d`. dtype (torch.dtype, optional): The data type of the batch zonotope. If None, the data type is inferred. Defaults to None. device (str, optional): The device of the batch zonotope. If None, the device is inferred. Defaults to None. Raises: AssertionError: If the rank of Z is less than 3. """ ################ may not need these for speed ################ # Make sure Z is a tensor if not isinstance(Z, torch.Tensor) and dtype is None: dtype = torch.get_default_dtype() Z = torch.as_tensor(Z, dtype=dtype, device=device) assert len(Z.shape) > 2, f'The dimension of Z input should be either 1 or 2, not {len(Z.shape)}.' ############################################################## self.Z = Z self.batch_dim = len(Z.shape) - 2 self.batch_idx_all = tuple([slice(None) for _ in range(self.batch_dim)])
def __getitem__(self,idx): Z = self.Z[idx] if len(Z.shape) > 2: return batchZonotope(Z) else: return zonotope(Z) @property def batch_shape(self): return self.Z.shape[:self.batch_dim] @property def dtype(self): ''' The data type of a batch zonotope properties return torch.float or torch.double ''' return self.Z.dtype @property def device(self): ''' The device of a batch zonotope properties return 'cpu', 'cuda:0', or ... ''' return self.Z.device @property def center(self): ''' The center of a batch zonotope return <torch.Tensor> , shape [B1, B2, .. , Bb, nx] ''' return self.Z[self.batch_idx_all+(0,)] @center.setter def center(self,value): ''' Set value of the center ''' self.Z[self.batch_idx_all+(0,)] = value @property def generators(self): ''' Generators of a batch zonotope return <torch.Tensor> , shape [B1, B2, .. , Bb, N, nx] ''' return self.Z[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(1,None),)] @generators.setter def generators(self,value): ''' Set value of generators ''' self.Z[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(1,None),)] = value @property def shape(self): ''' The shape of vector elements (ex. center) of a layer of a batch zonotope return <tuple>, (nx,) ''' return (self.Z.shape[-1],) @property def dimension(self): ''' The dimension of a batch zonotope return <int>, nx ''' return self.Z.shape[-1] @property def n_generators(self): ''' The number of generators of a batch zonotope return <int>, N ''' return self.Z.shape[-2]-1
[docs] def to(self,dtype=None,device=None): ''' Change the device and data type of a batch zonotope dtype: torch.float or torch.double device: 'cpu', 'gpu', 'cuda:0', ... ''' Z =, device=device, non_blocking=True) return batchZonotope(Z)
[docs] def cpu(self): ''' Change the device of a batch zonotope to CPU ''' Z = self.Z.cpu() return batchZonotope(Z)
def __repr__(self): ''' Representation of a batch zonotope as a text return <str>, ex. batchZonotope([[[0., 0., 0.],[1., 0., 0.]],[[0., 0., 0.],[2., 0., 0.]]]) ''' return str(self.Z).replace('tensor','batchZonotope') def __add__(self,other): ''' Overloaded '+' operator for addition or Minkowski sum self: <batchZonotope> other: <torch.Tensor> OR <zonotope> or <batchZonotope> return <batchZonotope> ''' if isinstance(other, (torch.Tensor, float, int)): Z = _add_genzono_num_impl(self, other) return batchZonotope(Z) elif isinstance(other, (zonotope, batchZonotope)): Z = _add_genzono_impl(self, other, batch_shape=self.batch_shape) return batchZonotope(Z) else: return NotImplemented __radd__ = __add__ # '+' operator is commutative. def __sub__(self,other): ''' Overloaded '-' operator for substraction or Minkowski difference self: <batchZonotope> other: <torch.Tensor> OR <zonotope> or <batchZonotope> return <batchZonotope> ''' import warnings warnings.warn( "PZ subtraction as addition of negative is deprecated and will be removed to reduce confusion!", DeprecationWarning) return self.__add__(-other) def __rsub__(self,other): ''' Overloaded reverted '-' operator for substraction or Minkowski difference self: <batchZonotope> other: <torch.Tensor> OR <zonotope> or <batchZonotope> return <batchZonotope> ''' import warnings warnings.warn( "PZ subtraction as addition of negative is deprecated and will be removed to reduce confusion!", DeprecationWarning) return -self.__sub__(other) def __pos__(self): ''' Overloaded unary '+' operator for a batch zonotope ifself self: <zonotope> return <zonotope> ''' return self def __neg__(self): ''' Overloaded unary '-' operator for negation of a batch zonotope self: <batchZonotope> return <batchZonotope> ''' Z = torch.clone(self.Z) Z[...,0,:] *= -1 return batchZonotope(Z) def __rmatmul__(self,other): ''' Overloaded reverted '@' operator for matrix multiplication on vector elements of a batch zonotope self: <batchZonotope> other: <torch.Tensor> return <batchZonotope> ''' assert isinstance(other, torch.Tensor), f'The other object should be torch tensor, but {type(other)}.' Z = self.Z@other.transpose(-2,-1) return batchZonotope(Z) def __mul__(self,other): ''' Overloaded reverted '*' operator for scaling a batch zonotope self: <batchZonotope> other: <int> or <float> return <batchZonotope> ''' if isinstance(other,(torch.Tensor,int,float)): Z = _mul_genzono_num_impl(self, other) return batchZonotope(Z) else: return NotImplemented __rmul__ = __mul__ # '*' operator is commutative. def __len__(self): return self.Z.shape[0]
[docs] def slice(self,slice_dim,slice_pt): ''' slice zonotope on specified point in a certain dimension self: <zonotope> slice_dim: <torch.Tensor> or <list> or <int> , shape [] slice_pt: <torch.Tensor> or <list> or <float> or <int> , shape [] return <zonotope> ''' if isinstance(slice_dim, list): slice_dim = torch.tensor(slice_dim,dtype=torch.long,device=self.device) elif isinstance(slice_dim, int) or (isinstance(slice_dim, torch.Tensor) and len(slice_dim.shape)==0): slice_dim = torch.tensor([slice_dim],dtype=torch.long,device=self.device) if isinstance(slice_pt, list): slice_pt = torch.tensor(slice_pt,dtype=self.dtype,device=self.device) elif isinstance(slice_pt, int) or isinstance(slice_pt, float) or (isinstance(slice_pt, torch.Tensor) and len(slice_pt.shape)==0): slice_pt = torch.tensor([slice_pt],dtype=self.dtype,device=self.device) assert isinstance(slice_dim, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(slice_pt, torch.Tensor), 'Invalid type of input' assert len(slice_dim.shape) ==1, 'slicing dimension should be 1-dim component.' #assert slice_pt.shape[:-1] ==self.batch_shape, 'slicing point should be (batch+1)-dim component.' assert len(slice_dim) == slice_pt.shape[-1], f'The number of slicing dimension ({len(slice_dim)}) and the number of slicing point ({slice_pt.shape[-1]}) should be the same.' N = len(slice_dim) slice_dim, ind = torch.sort(slice_dim) slice_pt = slice_pt[(slice(None),)*(len(slice_pt.shape)-1)+(ind,)] c = G = self.generators G_dim = G[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),slice_dim)] non_zero_idx = G_dim != 0 assert torch.all(torch.sum(non_zero_idx,-2)==1), 'There should be one generator for each slice index.' slice_idx = non_zero_idx.transpose(-2,-1).nonzero() #slice_idx = torch.any(non_zero_idx,-1) slice_c = c[self.batch_idx_all+(slice_dim,)] ind = tuple(slice_idx[:,:-2].T) slice_g = G_dim[ind+(slice_idx[:,-1],slice_idx[:,-2])].reshape(self.batch_shape+(N,)) slice_lambda = (slice_pt-slice_c)/slice_g assert not (abs(slice_lambda)>1).any(), 'slice point is ouside bounds of reach set, and therefore is not verified' Z = + slice_lambda.unsqueeze(-2)@G[ind+(slice_idx[:,-1],)].reshape(self.batch_shape+(N,self.dimension)),G[~non_zero_idx.any(-1)].reshape(self.batch_shape+(-1,self.dimension))),-2) return batchZonotope(Z)
[docs] def project(self,dim=[0,1]): ''' The projection of a batch zonotope onto the specified dimensions self: <batchZonotope> dim: <int> or <list> or <torch.Tensor> dimensions for prjection return <batchZonotope> ''' Z = self.Z[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),dim)] return batchZonotope(Z)
[docs] def polygon(self,nan=True): ''' NOTE: this is unstable for zero generators converts a 2-d zonotope into a polygon as vertices self: <zonotope> return <torch.Tensor>, <torch.float64> ''' dim = 2 z = self.deleteZerosGenerators() c =[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(2),)].unsqueeze(-2)#.repeat((1,)*(self.batch_dim+2)) G = torch.clone(z.generators[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),slice(2))]) x_idx = self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),0) y_idx = self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),1) G_y = G[y_idx] x_max = torch.sum(abs(G[x_idx]),-1) y_max = torch.sum(abs(G_y),-1) G[G_y<0] = - G[G_y<0] if nan: G[torch.linalg.norm(G,dim=-1)==0] = torch.nan angles = torch.atan2(G[y_idx],G[x_idx]) ang_idx = torch.argsort(angles,dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1).repeat((1,)*(self.batch_dim+1)+(2,)) vertices_half =,)+(2,),dtype=self.dtype,device=self.device),2*G.gather(-2,ang_idx).cumsum(axis=self.batch_dim)),-2) vertices_half[x_idx] += (x_max - torch.max(vertices_half[x_idx].nan_to_num(-torch.inf),dim=-1)[0]).unsqueeze(-1) vertices_half[y_idx] -= y_max.unsqueeze(-1) if nan: last_idx = (z.n_generators-angles.isnan().sum(-1)).reshape(self.batch_shape+(1,1)).repeat((1,)*self.batch_dim+(1,2)) temp = (vertices_half[self.batch_idx_all+(0,)].unsqueeze(-2)+ vertices_half.gather(-2,last_idx)) else: temp = (vertices_half[self.batch_idx_all+(0,)]+ vertices_half[self.batch_idx_all+(-1,)]).unsqueeze(-2) full_vertices =,-vertices_half[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(1,None),)] + temp),dim=self.batch_dim) + c return full_vertices
[docs] def polytope(self,combs=None): ''' converts a zonotope from a G- to a H- representation P comb isDeg NOTE: there is a possibility with having nan value on the output, so you might wanna use nan_to_num() OR, just use python built-in max function instead of torch.max or np.max. ''' c = G = torch.clone(self.generators) h = torch.linalg.vector_norm(G,dim=-1) h_sort, indicies = torch.sort(h,dim=-1,descending=True) h_nonzero = h_sort > 1e-6 h_zero_all = ((h_nonzero).sum(tuple(range(self.batch_dim))) ==0) #G[~h_nonzero] = 0 # make sure everything less than 1e-6 to be actual zero, so that non-removable zero padding can be converged into nan value on the output value # NOTE: for some reason the above one didnt work out if torch.any(h_zero_all): first_reduce_idx = torch.nonzero(h_zero_all).squeeze(-1)[0] G=G.gather(self.batch_dim,indicies.unsqueeze(-1).repeat((1,)*(self.batch_dim+1)+self.shape))[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None,first_reduce_idx),)] n_gens, dim = G.shape[-2:] if dim == 1: C = G/torch.linalg.vector_norm(G,dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) elif dim == 2: x_idx = self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),slice(0,1)) y_idx = self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),slice(1,2)) C =[y_idx],G[x_idx]),-1) C = C/torch.linalg.vector_norm(C,dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1) elif dim == 3: # not complete for example when n_gens < dim-1; n_gens =0 or n_gens =1 if combs is None or n_gens >= len(combs): comb = torch.combinations(torch.arange(n_gens),r=dim-1) else: comb = combs[n_gens] Q =[self.batch_idx_all+(comb[:,0],)],G[self.batch_idx_all+(comb[:,1],)]),dim=-1) temp1 = (Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),1)]*Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),5)]-Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),2)]*Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),4)]).unsqueeze(-1) temp2 = (-Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),0)]*Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),5)]+Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),2)]*Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),3)]).unsqueeze(-1) temp3 = (Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),0)]*Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),4)]-Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),1)]*Q[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),3)]).unsqueeze(-1) C =,temp2,temp3),dim=-1) C = C/torch.norm(C,dim=-1,keepdim=True) elif dim >=4 and dim<=7: assert False else: assert False deltaD = torch.sum(abs(C@self.generators.transpose(-2,-1)),dim=-1) d = (C@c.unsqueeze(-1)).squeeze(-1) PA =,-C),dim=-2) Pb =,-d+deltaD),dim=-1) # NOTE: torch.nan_to_num() return PA, Pb
[docs] def deleteZerosGenerators(self,sorted=False,sort=False): ''' delete zero vector generators self: <zonotope> return <zonotope> ''' if sorted: non_zero_idxs = torch.sum(torch.any(self.generators!=0,-1),tuple(range(self.batch_dim))) != 0 g_red = self.generators[self.batch_idx_all+(non_zero_idxs,)] else: zero_idxs = torch.all(self.generators==0,axis=-1).to(torch.uint8) # ind =[1].unsqueeze(-1).repeat((1,)*(self.batch_dim+1)+self.shape) ind = zero_idxs.sort(-1)[1].unsqueeze(-1).repeat((1,)*(self.batch_dim+1)+self.shape) max_non_zero_len = (~zero_idxs).sum(-1).max() g_red = self.generators.gather(-2,ind)[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None,max_non_zero_len),)] Z =,g_red),self.batch_dim) return batchZonotope(Z)
[docs] def reduce(self,order,option='girard'): if option == 'girard': Z = self.deleteZerosGenerators() if order == 1: center, G =, Z.generators d = torch.sum(abs(G),-2) Gbox = torch.diag_embed(d) ZRed=,Gbox),-2) else: center, Gunred, Gred = pickedBatchGenerators(Z,order) d = torch.sum(abs(Gred),-2) Gbox = torch.diag_embed(d) ZRed=,Gunred,Gbox),-2) return batchZonotope(ZRed) else: assert False, 'Invalid reduction option'
[docs] def to_polyZonotope(self,dim=None,id=None): ''' convert zonotope to polynomial zonotope self: <zonotope> dim: <int>, dimension to take as sliceable return <polyZonotope> ''' if dim is None: return batchPolyZonotope(self.Z,0) assert isinstance(dim,int) and dim <= self.dimension idx = self.generators[self.batch_idx_all+(slice(None),dim)] == 0 assert ((~idx).sum(-1)==1).all(), 'sliceable generator should be one for the dimension.' Z =,self.generators[~idx].reshape(self.batch_shape+(-1,self.dimension)),self.generators[idx].reshape(self.batch_shape+(-1,self.dimension))),-2) return batchPolyZonotope(Z,1,id=id)
[docs] def to_interval(self): c = delta = torch.sum(abs(self.Z),self.batch_dim) - abs(c) leftLimit, rightLimit = c -delta, c + delta return interval(leftLimit,rightLimit)