import torch
import numpy as np
import zonopy as zp
import zonopy.internal as zpi
[docs]def stack(bpzlist, dim=0):
"""Stack a list of polyZonotopes or batchPolyZonotopes along a given dimension.
bpzlist (list): List of polyZonotopes or batchPolyZonotopes to stack
dim (int, optional): Dimension to stack along. Defaults to 0.
batchPolyZonotope: Stacked batchPolyZonotope
assert len(bpzlist) > 0, "Expected at least 1 element input!"
# Dispatch to specialized version for polyZonotopes if needed (these functions can be merged later)
promotion = np.array([isinstance(pz, zp.polyZonotope) for pz in bpzlist])
if np.all(promotion):
return zp.batchPolyZonotope.from_pzlist(bpzlist)
# Promote any polynomial zonotopes to bpz's as needed
for idx, tf in enumerate(promotion):
if not tf:
batch_shape = bpzlist[idx].batch_shape
bpzlist = [expand(pz, batch_shape) if promote else pz for pz, promote in zip(bpzlist, promotion)]
# Check type (Should be fine after above)
# assert np.all([isinstance(bpz, zp.batchPolyZonotope) for bpz in bpzlist]), "Expected all elements to be of type batchPolyZonotope"
# Validate dimensions match
n_bpz = len(bpzlist)
dimension = bpzlist[0].dimension
dtype = bpzlist[0].dtype
device = bpzlist[0].device
batch_shape = bpzlist[0].batch_shape
if zpi.__debug_extra__:
assert dim <= len(batch_shape), "Expected dim to be less than or equal to the number of batch dimensions!"
assert [bpz.dimension for bpz in bpzlist].count(dimension) == n_bpz, "Expected all elements to have the same dimensions!"
assert [bpz.batch_shape for bpz in bpzlist].count(batch_shape) == n_bpz, "Expected all elements to have the same batch shape!"
# First loop to extract key parts
all_ids = [None]*n_bpz
dep_gens = [None]*n_bpz
all_c = [None]*n_bpz
n_grest = [None]*n_bpz
for i, bpz in enumerate(bpzlist):
all_ids[i] =
dep_gens[i] = bpz.n_dep_gens
all_c[i] = bpz.c.unsqueeze(-2)
n_grest[i] = bpz.n_indep_gens
# Combine
all_ids = np.unique(np.concatenate(all_ids, axis=None))
all_dep_gens = np.sum(dep_gens)
dep_gens_idxs = np.cumsum([0]+dep_gens)
n_grest = np.max(n_grest)
all_c = torch.stack(all_c)
# Preallocate
all_G = torch.zeros((n_bpz,) + batch_shape + (all_dep_gens, dimension), dtype=dtype, device=device)
all_grest = torch.zeros((n_bpz,) + batch_shape + (n_grest, dimension), dtype=dtype, device=device)
all_expMat = torch.zeros((all_dep_gens, len(all_ids)), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
last_expMat_idx = 0
# expand remaining values
for bpzid in range(n_bpz):
# Expand ExpMat (replace any with nonzero to fix order bug!)
matches = np.nonzero(np.expand_dims(bpzlist[bpzid].id,1) == all_ids)[1]
end_idx = last_expMat_idx + bpzlist[bpzid].expMat.shape[0]
all_expMat[last_expMat_idx:end_idx,matches] = bpzlist[bpzid].expMat
last_expMat_idx = end_idx
# expand out all G matrices
all_G[bpzid,...,dep_gens_idxs[bpzid]:dep_gens_idxs[bpzid+1],:] = bpzlist[bpzid].G
# Expand out all grest
grest = bpzlist[bpzid].Grest
all_grest[bpzid,...,:grest.shape[0],:] = grest
# Combine, reduce, output.
Z = torch.concat((all_c, all_G, all_grest), dim=-2)
if dim != 0:
Z = Z.transpose(0, dim)
out = zp.batchPolyZonotope(Z, all_dep_gens, all_expMat, all_ids, copy_Z=False).compress(2)
return out
def expand(pz, shape):
new_Z = pz.Z.expand(*shape, *pz.Z.shape)
return zp.batchPolyZonotope(new_Z, pz.n_dep_gens, pz.expMat,, copy_Z=False)