Setup Guide

rtd-code-python requires Python 3 or higher. For best results, use Python 3.11.3

General Setup

  1. Clone the repository and open a terminal in the root directory

  2. Install virtualenv with py -m pip install virtualenv

  3. Create a new Virtual Environment with py -m venv rtd_venv

  4. Activate the Virtual Environment with rtd_venv\scripts\activate

  5. Install rtd-code-python and its dependencies with py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

  6. Optionally, open a terminal inside scripts\demos and run the demo scripts

(Alternative) Conda Quickstart

Another way to setup rtd-code-python is through the creation and use of a conda environment. In your desired folder, run the following commands to get a conda environment called rtd-code setup

# Create conda environment and install python 3.11.3 & pytorch 2.0.1
# Adjust the torch packages according to your system
conda create -n rtd-code python==3.11.3 pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
conda activate rtd-code

# Clone zonopy dependencies and RTD-Code, and install
git clone
git clone
git clone
pip install -r rtd-code-python/requirements.txt -e zonopy/ -e zonopy-robots/ -e rtd-code-python/

Obtaining URDFs

To obtain the URDFs used in the demos, please visit the ARMOUR repository and download the urdfs folder. Place the urdfs folder in the parent directory of the rtd-code-python repository in order to run scripts\demos\