from rtd.util.mixins import Options
from rtd.planner import RtdPlanner
from rtd.entity.states import EntityState
from rtd.planner.trajectory import Trajectory
from rtd.planner.trajopt import TrajOptProps, RtdTrajOpt, GenericArmObjective, ScipyOptimizationEngine
from import WorldState
from armour.reachsets import JRSGenerator, FOGenerator, IRSGenerator, JLSGenerator
from armour.trajectory import ArmTrajectoryFactory
from zonopyrobots import ZonoArmRobot
from urchin import URDF
from armour.agent import ArmourAgentInfo
[docs]class ArmourPlanner(RtdPlanner, Options):
[docs] @staticmethod
def defaultoptions() -> dict:
return {
"input_constraints_flag": False,
"use_robust_input": False,
"smooth_obs": False,
"traj_type": "piecewise",
def __init__(self, trajOptProps: TrajOptProps, robot: ArmourAgentInfo, **options):
# initialize base classes
# initialize using given options
self.rsGenerators = dict()
self.rsGenerators["jrs"] = JRSGenerator(robot, traj_type=options["traj_type"])
self.rsGenerators["fo"] = FOGenerator(robot, self.rsGenerators["jrs"], smooth_obs=options["smooth_obs"])
if options["input_constraints_flag"]:
self.rsGenerators["irs"] = IRSGenerator(robot, self.rsGenerators["jrs"], use_robost_input=options["use_robust_input"])
self.rsGenerators["jls"] = JLSGenerator(robot, self.rsGenerators["jrs"])
# create the trajectory factory
self.trajectoryFactory = ArmTrajectoryFactory(trajOptProps, options["traj_type"])
# create the objective
self.objective = GenericArmObjective(trajOptProps, self.trajectoryFactory)
# selection of optimization engine
self.optimizationEngine = ScipyOptimizationEngine(trajOptProps)
# create the trajopt object
self.trajopt = RtdTrajOpt(trajOptProps, self.rsGenerators, self.objective,
self.optimizationEngine, self.trajectoryFactory)
[docs] def planTrajectory(self, robotState: EntityState, worldState: WorldState, waypoint) -> tuple[Trajectory, dict]:
Then on each waypoint, we call for a trajectory plan:
Use RTD to solve for a trajectory and return either
the parameters or invalid signal (continue).
Loops over each RtdTrajOpt instance (thus, each trajectory
type) with the given RobotState, WorldState, Waypoint, and
initial guess.
From the results, selects the best valid Trajectory,
otherwise return an invalid trajectory which will throw when
attempting to set the new trajectory, ensuring the old one
traj, _, info = self.trajopt.solveTrajOpt(robotState, worldState, waypoint)
return traj, info