Source code for armour.ArmourSimulation

from rtd.sim import BaseSimulation
from rtd.sim.types import SimulationState
from import TrimeshCollisionSystem, DynamicCollisionObject, CollisionObject
from import PyvistaVisualSystem, PyvistaVisualObject
from rtd.entity.box_obstacle import BoxObstacle
from armour import ArmourAgent, ArmourGoal
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable

# define top level module logger
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ArmourSimulation(BaseSimulation): def __init__(self, simulate_timestep: float = 0.5): # initialize base classes BaseSimulation.__init__(self) # initialize rest self.simulation_timestep = simulate_timestep dict = dict() self.entities: list = list() self.agent: ArmourAgent = None self.obstacles = list() self.collision_system: TrimeshCollisionSystem = None self.visual_system: PyvistaVisualSystem = None self.goal_system = None self.simulation_state = SimulationState.CONSTRUCTED
[docs] def add_object(self, object, isentity: bool = False, collision: CollisionObject | DynamicCollisionObject = None, visual: PyvistaVisualObject = None): """ Add the specified object to the world. If it is an entity, it is treated as dynamic. Parameters ---------- object : Any the object to add isentity : bool whether it is a dynamic entity collision : CollisionObject | DynamicCollisionObject collision handler of the object visual : PyvistaVisualObject visual handler of the object """ # Add the object to the world # Create a name for the object based on its classname if it # doesn't have a given name.[id(object)] = object # Add to the entity list if it's an entity if isentity: self.entities.append(object) # Add the collision component provided to the collision system if collision is not None: self.collision_system.addObjects(dynamic=collision) # Add the visualization component provided to the visual # system if visual is not None: self.visual_system.addObjects(dynamic=visual) # if it's not, check for and add to collision or visual else: if collision is not None: self.collision_system.addObjects(static=collision) # Add the visualization component provided to the visual # system if visual is not None: self.visual_system.addObjects(static=visual)
# TODO setup custom event data to return the object added
[docs] def setup(self, agent: ArmourAgent): """ Populate the world with the ArmourAgent Parameters ---------- agent : ArmourAgent agent to add """ if self.simulation_state > SimulationState.SETTING_UP: = dict() self.entities = list() self.simulation_state = SimulationState.SETTING_UP self.agent = agent # initialize visual and collision self.visual_system = PyvistaVisualSystem() self.collision_system = TrimeshCollisionSystem() # add the agent self.add_object(agent, isentity=True, collision=agent.collision, visual=agent.visual) self.simulation_state = SimulationState.SETUP_READY
[docs] def initialize(self): ''' Initializes the agent, goal, and obstacles ''' if self.simulation_state > SimulationState.INITIALIZING: pass self.simulation_state = SimulationState.INITIALIZING # initialize agent state self.agent.state.reset(initial_position=np.array([0,-np.pi/2,0,0,0,0,0]).reshape(-1, 1)) # create obstacles n_obstacles = 3 centers = [(-0.0584, 0.2333, 0.2826), (-0.4013, 0.1591, 0.4021), (0.2391, -0.1884, 0.2953)] side_lengths = [(0.3915, 0.0572, 0.1350), (0.1760, 0.3089, 0.1013), (0.1545, 0.2983, 0.0352)] # place obstacles for obs_i in range(n_obstacles): prop_obs = BoxObstacle.make_box(centers[obs_i], side_lengths[obs_i]) prop_col: CollisionObject = prop_obs.collision.getCollisionObject(0) # make sure it doesn't collide if not self.collision_system.checkCollisionObject(prop_col)["collided"]: self.obstacles.append(prop_obs) self.add_object(prop_obs, collision=prop_col, visual=prop_obs.visual) # add the goal goal_position = [2.19112372555967,0.393795848789382,-2.08886547149797,-1.94078143810946,-1.82357815033695,-1.80997964933365,2.12483409695310] self.goal_system = ArmourGoal(self.collision_system, self.agent, goal_position=goal_position) self.visual_system.addObjects(static=self.goal_system) override_options = self.agent.get_componentOverrideOptions({'state': self.agent.state}) self.agent.reset(**override_options) self.visual_system.redraw() self.simulation_state = SimulationState.READY
[docs] def pre_step(self) -> dict: self.simulation_state = SimulationState.PRE_STEP return dict()
[docs] def step(self) -> dict: self.simulation_state = SimulationState.STEP # update entries agent_results = self.agent.update(self.simulation_timestep) collided, contactedPairs = self.collision_system.updateCollision(self.simulation_timestep) if collided: logger.error("Collision Detected, Breakpoint!") input("Press Enter to Unpause") return { "agent_results": agent_results, "collided": collided, "contactPairs": contactedPairs, }
[docs] def post_step(self) -> dict: self.simulation_state goal = self.goal_system.updateGoal(self.simulation_timestep) self.visual_system.updateVisual(self.simulation_timestep) return { "goal": goal, }
[docs] def summary(self, **options): # does nothing return
[docs] def run(self, max_steps: int = 1e8, pre_step_callback: Callable = None, step_callback: Callable = None, post_step_callback: Callable = None, stop_on_goal: bool = True): """ Runs the lifecycle of the simulation Parameters ---------- max_steps : int maximum number of steps to run for pre_step_callback : Callable function to run before the pre_step step_callback : Callable function to run before the step post_step_callback : Callable function to run before the post_step stop_on_goal : bool whether to stop the simulation once it reaches the goal """ # build the execution order execution_queue = [ArmourSimulation.pre_step] if pre_step_callback is not None: execution_queue.append(pre_step_callback) execution_queue.append(ArmourSimulation.step) if step_callback is not None: execution_queue.append(step_callback) execution_queue.append(ArmourSimulation.post_step) if post_step_callback is not None: execution_queue.append(post_step_callback) steps = 0 stop = False while steps<max_steps and not stop: for fcn in execution_queue: info = fcn(self) # automate logging here stop = True if ("stop" in info and info.stop) else False if stop_on_goal and "goal" in info and info["goal"]: stop = True print("Goal acheived!") # TODO pause on request with keyboard steps += 1