from rtd.entity.components import BaseStateComponent
from rtd.entity.states import ArmRobotState
from rtd.util.mixins import Options
from armour.agent import ArmourAgentInfo
import numpy as np
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vecnp, Matnp, Boundsnp
# define top level module logger
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class ArmourAgentState(BaseStateComponent, Options):
[docs] @staticmethod
def defaultoptions() -> dict:
return {
"initial_position": None,
"initial_velocity": None,
def __init__(self, arm_info: ArmourAgentInfo, **options):
# initialize base classes
# initialize using given options
self.entityinfo = arm_info
# self.reset()
def position(self):
return self.state[self.position_indices,:]
def velocity(self):
return self.state[self.velocity_indices,:]
[docs] def reset(self, **options):
options = self.mergeoptions(options)
# Set component dependent properties
self.n_states = 2 * self.entityinfo.n_q
self.position_indices = np.arange(0, self.n_states, 2)
self.velocity_indices = np.arange(1, self.n_states, 2)"Resetting time and states")
self.state: Matnp = np.zeros((self.n_states, 1))
self.time = np.zeros(1)
self.step_start_idxs = np.zeros(1)
# add position
if options["initial_position"] is not None:
logger.debug("Using provided joint positions")
self.state[self.position_indices] = options["initial_position"]
# add velocity
if options["initial_velocity"] is not None:
logger.debug("Using provided joint velocities")
self.state[self.velocity_indices] = options["initial_velocity"]
# take these initials and merge them in again
options["initial_position"] = self.position
options["initial_velocity"] = self.velocity
[docs] def random_init(self, pos_range: Boundsnp = None, vel_range: Boundsnp = None,
random_position: bool = True, random_velocity: bool = False,
save_to_options: bool = False):
if pos_range is None:
pos_range = self.entityinfo.joints[:self.entityinfo.n_q].position_limits
if vel_range is None:
vel_range = self.entityinfo.joints[:self.entityinfo.n_q].velocity_limits
# set any joint limits that are +Inf to pi and -Inf to -pi
pos_range_infs = np.isinf(pos_range)
pos_range[0, pos_range_infs[0,:]] = -np.pi
pos_range[1, pos_range_infs[1,:]] = np.pi
# reset
self.state: Matnp = np.zeros((self.n_states, 1))
self.time = np.zeros(1)
self.step_start_idxs = np.zeros(1)
# make the random configuration
if random_position:
self.state[self.position_indices] = np.random.uniform(pos_range[0,:], pos_range[1,:])
if random_velocity:
self.state[self.velocity_indices] = np.random.uniform(vel_range[0,:], vel_range[1,:])
if save_to_options:
self.mergeoptions({"initial_position": self.position, "initial_velocity": self.velocity})
[docs] def get_state(self, time: Vecnp = None) -> ArmRobotState:
Returns the state of the ArmourAgent at a specific time.
# default to the last time and state
if time is None:
time = self.time[-1:]
state = ArmRobotState(self.position_indices, self.velocity_indices)
state.time = time
# cannot interpolate
if self.time.size == 1:
state.state = self.state[:,0:][..., None]
return state
# otherwise, interpolate
timesize = time.size if isinstance(time, Vecnp) else 1
state.state = np.zeros((self.n_states, timesize))
# if we can and need to interpolate the state, do it
for i in range(self.n_states):
state.state[i,:] = np.interp(time, self.time, self.state[i,:])
return state
[docs] def commit_state_data(self, T_state: Vecnp, Z_state: Matnp):
method: commit_move_data(T_state,Z_state)
After moving the agent, commit the new state and input
trajectories, and associated time vectors, to the agent's
state, time, input, and input_time properties.
T_state: NpFvec
times to commit states to
Z_state : NpFmat
corresponding states for the times
# update the time and state
self.step_start_idxs = np.append(self.time, self.time.size+1)
self.time = np.concatenate((self.time, self.time[-1] + T_state[1:]))
self.state = np.concatenate((self.state, Z_state[:,1:]), 1)
[docs] def joint_limit_check(self, t_check_step: float) -> bool:
Checks if joint limits did not exceed at any time.
t_check_step : float
step size to check with
check : bool
whether limit was exceeded or not
# create time vector for checking
start_idx = int(self.step_start_idxs[-1])
t_check = np.arange(self.time[start_idx], self.time[-1], t_check_step)
# get agent state trajectories interpolated to time
pos_check = np.array([np.interp(t_check, self.time[start_idx:], self.position[n,start_idx:]) for n in range(self.position.shape[0])])
vel_check = np.array([np.interp(t_check, self.time[start_idx:], self.velocity[n,start_idx:]) for n in range(self.velocity.shape[0])])"Running joint limits check!")
# check position & velocity
pos_exceeded = np.zeros(pos_check.shape, dtype=bool)
vel_exceeded = np.zeros(vel_check.shape, dtype=bool)
for i in range(self.entityinfo.n_q):
# pos
lb = np.any(pos_check[i,:] < float(self.entityinfo.params.pos_lim[0,i]))
ub = np.any(pos_check[i,:] > float(self.entityinfo.params.pos_lim[1,i]))
pos_exceeded[i,:] = lb | ub
# vel
vel_exceeded[i,:] = np.any(np.abs(vel_check[i,:]) > float(self.entityinfo.params.vel_lim[i]))
# get out results
out = np.any(pos_exceeded) | np.any(vel_exceeded)
if out:
# position limits exceeded in these positions
idx_list = np.argwhere(pos_exceeded)
for joint, t in idx_list:
lb = self.entity_info.joints[joint].position_limits[0]
ub = self.entity_info.joints[joint].position_limits[1]
logger.error(f"t={t_check[t]:.2f}, {joint}-position limit exceeded: {pos_check[joint,t]:.5f}, [{lb:.5f},{ub:.5f}]")
# velocity limits exceeded in these positions
idx_list = np.argwhere(vel_exceeded)
for joint, t in idx_list:
lb = self.entity_info.joints[joint].velocity_limits[0]
ub = self.entity_info.joints[joint].velocity_limits[1]
logger.error(f"t={t_check[t]:.2f}, {joint}-velocity limit exceeded: {vel_check[joint,t]:.5f}, [{lb:.5f},{ub:.5f}]")
else:"No joint limits exceeded")
return out
def __str__(self):
return (f"State component {repr(self)} with properties:\n" +
f" arm_info: {repr(self.entityinfo)}\n" +
f" state dim: {self.state.shape}\n")