Source code for armour.agent.ArmourAgentVisual

from import PyvistaVisualObject
from rtd.util.mixins import Options
from armour.agent import ArmourAgentInfo, ArmourAgentState
from pyvista import Actor
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
from trimesh import Trimesh
from typing import OrderedDict
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Matnp

[docs]class ArmourAgentVisual(PyvistaVisualObject, Options): ''' A visual component used to generate the plot data of the Armour agent '''
[docs] @staticmethod def defaultoptions() -> dict: return { "face_color": [0.8, 0.8, 1], "face_opacity": 1, "edge_color": [0, 0, 1], "edge_width": 1, }
def __init__(self, arm_info: ArmourAgentInfo, arm_state: ArmourAgentState, **options): # initialize base classes PyvistaVisualObject.__init__(self) Options.__init__(self) # initialize using given options self.mergeoptions(options) self.arm_info: ArmourAgentInfo = arm_info self.arm_state: ArmourAgentState = arm_state self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self, **options): options = self.mergeoptions(options) self.face_color = options["face_color"] self.face_opacity = options["face_opacity"] self.edge_color = options["edge_color"] self.edge_width = options["edge_width"]
[docs] def create_plot_data(self, time: float = None) -> list[Actor]: ''' Generate the trimesh meshes at the given time and converts them into actors ''' if time is None: time = self.box_state.time[-1] # generate mesh config = self.arm_state.get_state(np.array([time])).position fk: OrderedDict[Trimesh, Matnp] = self.arm_info.urdf.visual_trimesh_fk(cfg=config) meshes = [mesh.copy().apply_transform(transform) for mesh, transform in fk.items()] self.plot_data: list[Actor] = list() # generate actors from mesh for mesh in meshes: mesh = pv.wrap(mesh) mapper = pv.DataSetMapper(mesh) self.plot_data.append(pv.Actor(mapper=mapper)) # set properties self.plot_data[-1].prop.SetColor(*self.face_color) self.plot_data[-1].prop.SetOpacity(self.face_opacity) if self.edge_width > 0: self.plot_data[-1].prop.EdgeVisibilityOn() self.plot_data[-1].prop.SetLineWidth(self.edge_width) self.plot_data[-1].prop.SetEdgeColor(*self.edge_color) return self.plot_data
[docs] def plot(self, time: float = None): ''' Replaces the mesh of the actors to update their pose ''' if time is None: time = self.box_state.time[-1] # generate mesh config = self.arm_state.get_state(np.array([time])).position fk: OrderedDict[Trimesh, Matnp] = self.arm_info.urdf.visual_trimesh_fk(cfg=config) meshes = [mesh.copy().apply_transform(transform) for mesh, transform in fk.items()] for actor, mesh in zip(self.plot_data, meshes): # replace mesh of actor with new mesh mesh = pv.wrap(mesh) mapper = pv.DataSetMapper(mesh) actor.SetMapper(mapper)
def __str__(self) -> str: return (f"Visual component {repr(self)} with properties:\n" + f" arm_info: {repr(self.arm_info)}\n" + f" arm_state: {repr(self.arm_state)}\n")