Source code for armour.agent.ArmourIdealAgentDynamics

from rtd.entity.components import BaseDynamicsComponent
from rtd.util.mixins import Options
from armour.agent import ArmourAgentInfo, ArmourAgentState, ArmourController
from rtd.planner.trajectory import Trajectory
import numpy as np

# define top level module logger
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ArmourIdealAgentDynamics(BaseDynamicsComponent, Options): ''' Dynamics component that assumes the agent perfectly executes the reference trajectory '''
[docs] @staticmethod def defaultoptions() -> dict: return { "time_discretization": 0.01, }
def __init__(self, arm_info: ArmourAgentInfo, arm_state: ArmourAgentState, arm_controller: ArmourController, **options): # initialize base classes BaseDynamicsComponent.__init__(self) Options.__init__(self) # initialize using given options self.mergeoptions(options) self.robot_info: ArmourAgentInfo = arm_info self.robot_state: ArmourAgentState = arm_state self.controller: ArmourController = arm_controller # initialzie self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self, **options): options = self.mergeoptions(options) self.time_discretization = options["time_discretization"]
[docs] def move(self, t_move: float):"Moving!") # get the current time and prep measurement time state = self.robot_state.get_state() tcur = state.time t_meas = np.linspace(0, t_move, int(round(t_move/self.time_discretization))+1) # prepare the trajectory trajectory: Trajectory = self.controller.trajectories[-1] target = trajectory.getCommand(tcur + t_meas) # we assume it just follows the trajectory perfectly tout = t_meas zout = np.zeros((state.state.shape[0], tout.size)) zout[self.robot_state.position_indices, :] = target.position zout[self.robot_state.velocity_indices, :] = target.velocity # save the motion data self.robot_state.commit_state_data(tout, zout)
[docs] def controller_input_check(self, t_check_step) -> bool: ''' Check that the controller wasn't giving bad torques '''"Assuming perfect kinematics, skipping input torque check!") return False
def __str__(self): return (f"Dynamics component {repr(self)} with properties:\n" + f" arm_info: {repr(self.robot_info)}\n" + f" arm_state: {repr(self.robot_state)}\n" + f" arm_controller: {repr(self.controller)}\n")