Source code for armour.trajectory.BernsteinArmTrajectory

from rtd.planner.trajectory import Trajectory, InvalidTrajectory
from rtd.entity.states import ArmRobotState, EntityState
from rtd.planner.trajopt import TrajOptProps
from rtd.functional.vectools import rescale
from armour.reachsets import JRSInstance
from armour.legacy import bernstein_to_poly, match_deg5_bernstein_coefficients
import numpy as np
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vecnp

[docs]class BernsteinArmTrajectory(Trajectory):
[docs] def __init__(self, trajOptProps: TrajOptProps, startState: ArmRobotState, jrsInstance: JRSInstance): # initialize base classes Trajectory.__init__(self) # set properties self.vectorized = True # Initial parameters from the robot used to calculate the desired # trajectory self.alpha = None self.q_end = None # The JRS which contains the center and range to scale the # parameters self.jrsInstance = None # other properties self.trajOptProps = trajOptProps self.startState = startState self.jrsInstance = jrsInstance
[docs] def setParameters(self, trajectoryParams: Vecnp, startState: ArmRobotState = None, jrsInstance: JRSInstance = None): ''' A validated method to set the parameters for the trajectory ''' self.trajectoryParams = trajectoryParams if self.trajectoryParams.size > self.jrsInstance.n_q: self.trajectoryParams = self.trajectoryParams[:self.jrsInstance.n_q] if startState is not None: self.startState = startState if jrsInstance is not None: self.jrsInstance = jrsInstance # perform internal update self.internalUpdate()
[docs] def validate(self, throwOnError: bool = False) -> bool: ''' Validate that the trajectory is fully characterized ''' # non-empty valid = (self.trajectoryParams is not None) valid &= (self.jrsInstance is not None) valid &= (self.startState is not None) # trajectory params makes sense valid &= (self.trajectoryParams.size == self.jrsInstance.n_q) # throw error if wanted if not valid and throwOnError: raise InvalidTrajectory("Called trajectory object does not have complete parameterization!") return valid
[docs] def internalUpdate(self): ''' Update internal parameters to reduce long term calculations ''' # internal update if valid if not self.validate(): return # get the desired final position jout = self.jrsInstance.output_range jin = self.jrsInstance.input_range q_goal = rescale(self.trajectoryParams, jout[0], jout[1], jin[0], jin[1]) q_goal = self.startState.q + q_goal n_q = self.jrsInstance.n_q self.alpha = np.zeros((n_q, 6)) for j in range(n_q): beta = match_deg5_bernstein_coefficients([ self.startState.position[j], self.startState.velocity[j], self.startState.acceleration[j], q_goal[j], 0, 0], self.trajOptProps.horizonTime ) self.alpha[j,:] = bernstein_to_poly(beta, 6) # precompute end position self.q_end = q_goal
[docs] def getCommand(self, time: Vecnp) -> EntityState: # Do a parameter check and time check, and throw if anything is # invalid. self.validate(throwOnError=True) t_shifted = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(time - self.startState.time)) if np.any(t_shifted < 0): raise InvalidTrajectory("Invalid time provided to PiecewiseArmTrajectory") t_size = t_shifted.size horizon_mask = t_shifted < self.trajOptProps.horizonTime t_masked_scaled = t_shifted[horizon_mask] / self.trajOptProps.horizonTime t_masked_size = t_masked_scaled.size n_q = self.jrsInstance.n_q # original implementation adapted q_des = np.zeros((n_q, t_masked_size)) q_dot_des = np.zeros((n_q, t_masked_size)) q_ddot_des = np.zeros((n_q, t_masked_size)) for j in range(n_q): for coef_idx in range(6): q_des[j,:] += self.alpha[j,coef_idx]*np.power(t_masked_scaled, coef_idx) if coef_idx > 0: q_dot_des[j,:] += coef_idx*self.alpha[j,coef_idx]*np.power(t_masked_scaled, coef_idx-1) if coef_idx > 1: q_ddot_des[j,:] += coef_idx*(coef_idx-1)*self.alpha[j,coef_idx]*np.power(t_masked_scaled, coef_idx-2) # move to a combined state variable pos_idx = np.arange(n_q) vel_idx = pos_idx + n_q acc_idx = vel_idx + n_q state = np.zeros((n_q*3, t_size)) state[np.ix_(pos_idx, horizon_mask)] = q_des state[np.ix_(vel_idx, horizon_mask)] = q_dot_des / self.trajOptProps.horizonTime state[np.ix_(acc_idx, horizon_mask)] = q_ddot_des / self.trajOptProps.horizonTime**2 # update all state times after the horizon time state[np.ix_(pos_idx, np.logical_not(horizon_mask))] = np.reshape(self.q_end, (self.q_end.size,1)) # Generate the output. command = ArmRobotState(pos_idx, vel_idx, acc_idx) command.time = time command.state = state return command