Source code for rtd.entity.box_obstacle.BoxObstacleVisual

from import PyvistaVisualObject
from rtd.util.mixins import Options
from rtd.entity.box_obstacle import BoxObstacleInfo
from rtd.entity.components import GenericEntityState
from pyvista import Actor
import pyvista as pv

[docs]class BoxObstacleVisual(PyvistaVisualObject, Options): ''' A visual component used to generate the plot data of the box obstacle '''
[docs] @staticmethod def defaultoptions() -> dict: """ Default options for the BoxObstacleVisual """ return { "face_color": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], "face_opacity": 0.2, "edge_color": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "edge_width": 1, }
def __init__(self, box_info: BoxObstacleInfo, box_state: GenericEntityState, **options): # initialize base classes PyvistaVisualObject.__init__(self) Options.__init__(self) # initialize using given options options["face_color"] = box_info.color self.mergeoptions(options) self.box_info: BoxObstacleInfo = box_info self.box_state: GenericEntityState = box_state self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self, **options): """ Resets this component """ options = self.mergeoptions(options) self.face_color = options["face_color"] self.face_opacity = options["face_opacity"] self.edge_color = options["edge_color"] self.edge_width = options["edge_width"] self.create_plot_data()
[docs] def create_plot_data(self, time: float = None) -> Actor: """ Generates the initial plot data Parameters ---------- time : float time of initial plot data Returns _______ plot_data : Actor pyvista actor object to plot """ if time is None: time = self.box_state.time[-1] xw, yw, zw = self.box_info.dims mesh = pv.Box([-xw/2, xw/2, -yw/2, yw/2, -zw/2, zw/2]) mapper = pv.DataSetMapper(mesh) self.plot_data = pv.Actor(mapper=mapper) # set properties self.plot_data.prop.SetColor(*self.face_color) self.plot_data.prop.SetOpacity(self.face_opacity) if self.edge_width > 0: self.plot_data.prop.EdgeVisibilityOn() self.plot_data.prop.SetLineWidth(self.edge_width) self.plot_data.prop.SetEdgeColor(*self.edge_color) # set coordinate of rectangle to draw x, y, z = self.box_state.get_state(time)["state"] self.plot_data.SetPosition(x, y, z) return self.plot_data
[docs] def plot(self, time: float = None): """ Updates the plotdata of the BoxObstalce Parameters ---------- time : float time of plot data """ if time is None: time = self.box_state.time[-1] # set coordinate of box to draw x, y, z = self.box_state.get_state(time)["state"] self.plot_data.SetPosition(x, y, z)
def __str__(self) -> str: return (f"{repr(self)} with properties:\n" + f" box_info: {repr(self.box_info)}\n" f" box_state: {repr(self.box_state)}\n")