from rtd.entity.box_obstacle import BoxObstacleInfo
from rtd.entity.components import GenericEntityState
from zonopy import zonotope
import numpy as np
import torch
[docs]class BoxObstacleZonotope():
def __init__(self, box_info: BoxObstacleInfo, box_state: GenericEntityState):
self.box_info: BoxObstacleInfo = box_info
self.box_state: GenericEntityState = box_state
[docs] def reset(self):
Resets this component
center = np.zeros(self.box_info.dimension)
self.base_zonotope = zonotope(np.vstack([center, np.diag(np.array(self.box_info.dims)/2)]))
[docs] def get_zonotope(self, state = None, time: float = None) -> zonotope:
Returns zonotope of the BoxObstacle. Takes in either a
state or time.
state : list[float]
state to generate zonotope with
time : float
time to generate zonotope with
if state is None:
state = self.box_state.get_state(time)
return self.base_zonotope + torch.tensor(state["state"])