Source code for rtd.entity.components.GenericEntityState

from rtd.entity.components import BaseInfoComponent, BaseStateComponent
from rtd.util.mixins import Options
from rtd.functional.interpolate import interp1_list
from random import uniform
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vec, Mat

[docs]class GenericEntityState(BaseStateComponent, Options): ''' A generic entity state that stores an (n_states, :) matrix to keep track of the state at each point in time. New states can be appended by calling `commit_state_data` with the time interval and new state. A state at any moment can be retrieved by calling `get_state`. It will default to the most recent state. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def defaultoptions() -> dict: ''' No default options, though common options for the state components are 'n_states' and 'initial_state'. ''' return dict()
def __init__(self, entity_info: BaseInfoComponent, **options): # initialize base classes BaseStateComponent.__init__(self) Options.__init__(self) # initialize using given options self.mergeoptions(options) self.entityinfo = entity_info self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self, **options): ''' Resets the generic state component. ''' options = self.mergeoptions(options) # Select the number of states either from the dimension of the # entity, or from the option passed in if "n_states" in options: self.n_states: int = options["n_states"] else: self.n_states: int = self.entityinfo.dimension # Either start with zeros or use the provided initial state if given if "initial_state" in options: if len(options["initial_state"]) != self.n_states: raise ValueError("Dimension of initial state and number of states must match!") self.state = [options["initial_state"]] else: self.state = [[0] * self.n_states] # start at time 0 self.time = [0]
[docs] def random_init(self, state_range: tuple[float, float], save_to_options: bool = False): ''' Randomly initializes the first state from the given range `start_range[0]:start_range[1]` (inclusive). Will save the initial state to options so that it will revert to this state when `reset` is called. Parameters ---------- state_range : tuple[float, float] min and max values the state can take save_to_options : bool whether to save the random state as initial_state ''' self.state = [[uniform(*state_range) for _ in range(self.n_states)]] self.time = [0] if save_to_options: self.mergeoptions({"initial_state": self.state[0]})
[docs] def get_state(self, time: float = None) -> dict: ''' Gets the state at a specific time (defaults to most recent time), interpolating the values if needed Parameters ---------- time : float time to get the state at Returns ------- state : dict dict with keys time and state, with the time the state was requested at, and its corresponding state ''' # default to last time if time is None: time = self.time[-1] # get state at time, interporate if needed state = interp1_list(self.time, self.state, time) return { "time": time, "state": state, }
[docs] def commit_state_data(self, time: float, state: Vec): ''' Takes in a state and appends it to the current state at time `time` + the most recent time Parameters ---------- time : float time after last time to commit from state : Vec state to commit at corresponding time ''' if len(state) != self.n_states: raise ValueError("Dimension of state and number of states must match!") self.time.append(self.time[-1] + time) self.state.append(state)
def __str__(self) -> str: return (f"{repr(self)} with properties:\n" + f" entity_info: {repr(self.entityinfo)}\n" f" n_states: {self.n_states}\n")