Source code for rtd.planner.RtdPlanner

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from rtd.entity.states import EntityState
from rtd.planner.trajectory import Trajectory
from import WorldState

[docs]class RtdPlanner(metaclass=ABCMeta): ''' This class specifies the overall planner It should set up anything for any special type of RTD planner. Construction of a special version of this should do the following: - Construct OptimizationEngine(s) with parameters - Construct ReachableSets for each reachable set and trajectory type - Construct some Objective object for the problem at hand - Determine/set RtdTrajOpt parameters and create it for each trajectory type Then on each waypoint, we call for a trajectory plan using `planTrajectory`. That will use RTD to solve for a trajectory '''
[docs] @abstractmethod def planTrajectory(self, robotState: EntityState, worldState: WorldState, waypoint) -> Trajectory | None: ''' Generate a trajectory for the given states and waypoint. Loops over each RtdTrajOpt instance (thus, each trajectory type) with the given RobotState, WorldState, Waypoint, and initial guess if wanted From the results, this should select the best valid Trajectory. Otherwise it should return an empty or invalid trajectory which will throw when attempting to set the new trajectory, ensuring the old one continues - or something like that. Arguments: robotState: EntityState: Current state of the robot worldState: WorldState: Current state of the world waypoint: The waypoint to consider for the trajopt problem(s) Returns: Trajectory or None: A trajectory object, which may or may not be valid. If no plans are found, this may alternately return an empty value. ''' pass