Source code for rtd.planner.reachsets.ReachSetGenerator

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from rtd.planner.reachsets import ReachSetInstance
from rtd.entity.states import EntityState

[docs]class ReachSetGenerator(metaclass=ABCMeta): ''' Base class for the generation of reacheable sets for the planner The ReachSetGenerator class interfaces out the generation of reachable sets for the RTD planner. It contains a built-in cache which is enabled if `cache_max_size > 0`. Caching is based on the id of the robot's state and any extra arguments passed through the `getReachableSet` method. This class can be used to encapsulate reachable sets generated offline, or the online computation of reachable sets. It acts as a generator for a single instance of ReachableSet '''
[docs] def __init__(self): self.cache_max_size: float = None # a list of length < cache_max_size that stores # (hash, reachableset) pairs self._cache: list[tuple[str, dict[int, ReachSetInstance]]] = list()
[docs] @abstractmethod def generateReachableSet(self, robotState: EntityState, **options) -> dict[int, ReachSetInstance]: ''' Generate a new reachable set given a robot state and extra arguments if desired This method generates the relevant reachable set for the `robotState` provided and outputs the singular instance of some reachable set. It should always create a new instance of a ReachableSetInstance Arguments: robotState: EntityState: Some entity state which the ReachableSetInstance is generated for. Returns: dict: A dict of problem id to `ReachSetInstance` pairs ''' pass
[docs] def getReachableSet(self, robotState: EntityState, ignore_cache: bool = False, **options) -> dict[int, ReachSetInstance]: ''' Get a reachable set instance for the given robot state and passthrough arguments This function handles how to actually get the reachable set with built in caching of already generated instances. It will call `generateReachableSet` as needed. This is useful if we need to use one reachable set in another reachable set and we don't want to regenerate it online. It performs caching based on the id of the provided robotState and and the string cast of any additional arguments. If we don't want to use the cache on one call, setting `ignore_cache` to true will bypass caching altogether Arguments: robotState: EntityState: Some state of used for generation / keying ignore_cache: bool: If set true, the cache is completely ignored Returns: dict: A dict of problem id to `ReachSetInstance` pairs ''' # if we don't want to use the cache or don't have a cache, # return a newly generated reachableset if ignore_cache or self.cache_max_size < 1: return self.generateReachableSet(robotState, **options) # create hash of the input argument based on the robotState id # and string representation of the keyword arguments cache_hash = str(id(robotState)) + str(options) # search cache if hash exists and return if it does for rs in self._cache: if rs[0] == cache_hash: return rs[1] # otherwise generate a reachableset and add it to the cache reachableset = self.generateReachableSet(robotState, **options) self._cache.append((cache_hash, reachableset)) if len(self._cache) > self.cache_max_size: self._cache.pop(0) return reachableset