Source code for rtd.planner.reachsets.ReachSetInstance

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from import WorldState
from typing import Callable
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Boundsnp

[docs]class ReachSetInstance(metaclass=ABCMeta): ''' Base class for a single reachable set generated for some state + parameters This is just an individual instance of a reachable set. It should hold the necessary information to make a nonlinear constraint. If a generated nonlinear constraint function is not atomic (specifically, if it can change class properties, the cache for the respective `ReachSetGenerator` should be disabled by setting `cache_max_size` to 0 '''
[docs] def __init__(self): # A 2-column vector denoting the input minimum and maximums for the # reachable set on the left and right, respectively self.input_range: Boundsnp = None # The number of main shared parameters used by this set. Generally, # this should match the size of the final trajectory parameters self.num_parameters: int = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def genNLConstraint(self, worldState: WorldState) -> Callable: ''' Generate the nonlinear constraint function for the provided worldState This function should handle the obstacle-frs pair or similar to generate the nonlinear constraint. This should return a function handle that return 4 outputs: (c, ceq, gc, gceq), where `c <= 0` and `ceq = 0` are the constraints, and `gc` and `gceq` are the gradients for the respective constraints Arguments: worldState: WorldState: The observation of the world we want to generate the constraint for Returns: function_handle: A function handle for the generated nlconstraint where the constraint function's return type is (c, ceq, gc, gceq) ''' pass