from typing import Callable
from rtd.entity.states import EntityState
from rtd.planner.reachsets import ReachSetInstance
from rtd.planner.trajopt import Objective, TrajOptProps
from rtd.planner.trajectory import TrajectoryFactory, Trajectory
import numpy as np
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vecnp
[docs]class GenericArmObjective(Objective):
[docs] def __init__(self, trajOptProps: TrajOptProps, trajectoryFactory: TrajectoryFactory):
Constructs this objective function generator.
Provide a trajectory factory object which creates unique
trajectory objects with each call and the properties of the
overall trajopt problem, from which the time for the cost is
used with some trajectory to create the objective
trajOptProps: TrajOptProps
trajectoryFactory: TrajectoryFactory
# initialize base classes
# set properties
self.trajectoryFactory = trajectoryFactory
self.t_cost = trajOptProps.timeForCost
[docs] def genObjective(self, robotState: EntityState, waypoint, reachableSets: dict[str, ReachSetInstance]) -> Callable:
q_des = waypoint
# create an trajectory instance for whatever generic trajectory
# factory we were given
trajectoryObj = self.trajectoryFactory.createTrajectory(robotState, reachableSets)
# create and return the function handle
return lambda trajectoryParams: self.evalTrajectory(trajectoryParams, trajectoryObj, q_des, robotState.time + self.t_cost)
[docs] @staticmethod
def evalTrajectory(trajectoryParams: Vecnp, trajectoryObj: Trajectory, q_des, t_cost: float | Vecnp) -> float:
Helper function purely accessible to this class without any class state
which a handle can be made to to evaluate the trajectory for the cost.
Should work for any generic arm trajectory in joint space
plan = trajectoryObj.getCommand(t_cost)
return np.sum(np.power(plan.position - q_des, 2))