Source code for rtd.planner.trajopt.RtdTrajOpt

from rtd.planner.trajopt import TrajOptProps, Objective, OptimizationEngine
from rtd.planner.trajectory import TrajectoryFactory
from rtd.planner.reachsets import ReachSetGenerator
from import WorldState
from rtd.entity.states import EntityState
from rtd.planner.trajectory import Trajectory
from rtd.planner.reachsets import ReachSetInstance
import numpy as np
from typing import Callable
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vecnp

# define top level module logger
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RtdTrajOpt: ''' Core trajectory optimization routine for RTD This object handles the necessary calls to perform the actual trajectory optimization when requested. It calls the generators for the reachble sets and combines all the resulting nonlinear constraints in the end '''
[docs] def __init__(self, trajOptProps: TrajOptProps, reachableSets: dict[str, ReachSetGenerator], objective: Objective, optimizationEngine: OptimizationEngine, trajectoryFactory: TrajectoryFactory, **options): ''' Construct the RtdTrajOpt object. Store all the handles to objects that we want to use. This should encapsulate the main trajectory optimization aspection of RTD & ideally need very little specialization between versions Arguments: trajOptProps: TrajOptProps reachableSets: dict[str, ReachSetGenerator] objective: Objective optimizationEngine: OptimizationEngine trajectoryFactory: TrajectoryFactory ''' self.trajOptProps: TrajOptProps = trajOptProps self.reachableSets: dict[str, ReachSetGenerator] = reachableSets self.objective: Objective = objective self.optimizationEngine: OptimizationEngine = optimizationEngine self.trajectoryFactory: TrajectoryFactory = trajectoryFactory
[docs] def solveTrajOpt(self, robotState: EntityState, worldState: WorldState, waypoint, initialGuess: Trajectory = None, **rsAdditionalArgs: dict[dict]) -> tuple[Trajectory, float, dict]: ''' Execute the solver for trajectory optimization Note: The returned `info` dict has the following entries: worldState, robotState, rsInstances, nlconCallbacks, objectiveCallback, waypoint, bounds, num_parameters, guess, trajectory, cost Arguments: robotState: EntityState: State of the robot. worldState: WorldState: Observed state of the world for the reachable sets waypoint: Waypoint we want to optimize to initialGuess: Trajectory: Past trajectory to use as an initial guess rsAdditionalArgs: additional arguments to pass to the reachable sets, by set name Returns: (trajectory: Trajectory, cost: float, info: dict): `trajectory` is an instance of the trajectory object that corresponds to the solved trajectory optimization. If it wasn't successful, this will either be an invalid trajectory or empty. `cost` is the final cost of the objective used. `info` is a dict of optimization data. ''' # generate reachable set"Generating reachable sets and nonlinear constraints") rsInstances_dict: dict[int, dict[str, ReachSetInstance]] = dict() for (rs_name, rs_gen) in self.reachableSets.items(): logger.debug(f"Generating {rs_name}") # get additional arguments for current reachset rs_args = dict() if rs_name in rsAdditionalArgs: logger.debug(f"Passing additional arguments to generate {rs_name}") rs_args = rsAdditionalArgs[rs_name] # generate reachset rsInstances = rs_gen.getReachableSet(robotState, ignore_cache=False, **rs_args) # save in rsInstances for (rs_id, rs) in rsInstances.items(): if rs_id not in rsInstances_dict: rsInstances_dict[rs_id] = dict() rsInstances_dict[rs_id][rs_name] = rs # generate nonlinear constraints successes: dict[int, bool] = dict() parameters: dict[int, Vecnp] = dict() costs: dict[int, float] = dict() for (rs_id, rsInstances) in rsInstances_dict.items():"Solving problem {rs_id}") logger.debug("Generating nonlinear constraints") nlconCallbacks = {rs_name: rs.genNLConstraint(worldState) for (rs_name, rs) in rsInstances.items()} # validate that rs sizes are all equal logger.debug("Validating sizes") num_parameters = {rs.num_parameters for rs in rsInstances.values()} if len(num_parameters) != 1: raise Exception("Reachable set parameter sizes don't match!") # get num_parameters[0] from num_parameters={num_parameters} for n_params in num_parameters: num_parameters = n_params # compute bounds logger.debug("Computing bounds") param_bounds = np.ones((num_parameters, 2)) * (-np.inf, np.inf) for rs in rsInstances.values(): new_bounds = rs.input_range*np.ones((1, num_parameters)) # Ensure bounds are the intersect of the intervals for the # parameters param_bounds[:,0] = np.maximum(param_bounds[:,0], new_bounds[0]) param_bounds[:,1] = np.minimum(param_bounds[:,1], new_bounds[1]) # combine nlconCallbacks constraintCallback = self.merge_constraints(nlconCallbacks) # create bounds bounds = { 'param_limits': param_bounds, 'output_limits': list() } # create the objective objectiveCallback = self.objective.genObjective(robotState, waypoint, rsInstances) # if initial guess is none or invalid, make zero try: guess = initialGuess.trajectoryParams() except Exception: guess = list() # optimize"Optimizing!") success, parameter, cost = self.optimizationEngine.performOptimization( guess, objectiveCallback, constraintCallback, bounds) successes[rs_id] = success parameters[rs_id] = parameter costs[rs_id] = cost # select the best cost min_cost = np.inf min_idx = -1 for rs_id in rsInstances_dict: if successes[rs_id] and costs[rs_id]<min_cost: min_cost = costs[rs_id] min_idx = rs_id # if success if min_idx != -1:"Optimal solution found in problem {min_idx}") rsInstances = rsInstances_dict[min_idx] parameter = parameters[min_idx] trajectory = self.trajectoryFactory.createTrajectory(robotState, rsInstances, parameter) else: trajectory = None info = { 'worldState': worldState, 'robotState': robotState, 'rsInstances': rsInstances_dict, 'nlconCallbacks': nlconCallbacks, 'objectiveCallback': objectiveCallback, 'waypoint': waypoint, 'bounds': bounds, 'num_parameters': num_parameters, 'guess': guess, 'trajectory': trajectory, 'cost': cost, 'parameters': parameters, 'successes': successes, 'solution_idx': min_idx, } return (trajectory, cost, info)
[docs] class merge_constraints: ''' A functor for computing the constraints for a given input, with lookup for speed optimizations ''' def __init__(self, nlconCallbacks: dict[str, Callable], buffer_size=16): self.buffer: list[float, tuple] = list() self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.nlconCallbacks = nlconCallbacks def __call__(self, k): ''' Overload call to work as a functor. Utility function to merge the constraints ''' if ((res:=self.findBuffer(k)) is not None): return res # calculate result h = [np.empty(0)] heq = [np.empty(0)] grad_h = [np.empty((0, len(k)))] grad_heq = [np.empty((0, len(k)))] for nlconCb in self.nlconCallbacks.values(): if nlconCb is None: continue (rs_h, rs_heq, rs_grad_h, rs_grad_heq) = nlconCb(k) if rs_h is not None: h.append(rs_h) if rs_heq is not None: heq.append(rs_heq) if rs_grad_h is not None: grad_h.append(rs_grad_h) if rs_grad_heq is not None: grad_heq.append(rs_grad_heq) res = (np.hstack(h), np.hstack(heq), np.vstack(grad_h), np.vstack(grad_heq)) self.updateBuffer(k, res) return res
[docs] def updateBuffer(self, k, res): ''' Ensure buffer size < buffer_size and add input-output pair into buffer ''' if len(self.buffer) > self.buffer_size: self.buffer.pop(0) self.buffer.append((k, res)) else: self.buffer.append((k, res))
[docs] def findBuffer(self, k) -> tuple | None: ''' Return output if result for given input exists in the buffer, otherwise return None ''' for i in self.buffer: if np.all(i[0] == k): return i[1] return None