Source code for

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from rtd.functional.sequences import toSequence
from trimesh.collision import CollisionManager

    from trimesh import Trimesh

# type hinting
CollisionPair = tuple[int, int]

[docs]class CollisionObject: ''' A class for storing the mesh of an object to handle its collision ''' def __init__(self, meshes: Trimesh | list[Trimesh], parent: int = None): # trimesh.Trimesh object self.meshes: list[Trimesh] = toSequence(meshes) # parent (usually id of info component) self.parent: int = parent # collision handle self._collision_handle = CollisionManager() for mesh in self.meshes: self._collision_handle.add_object(id(mesh), mesh)
[docs] def inCollision(self, other: 'CollisionObject') -> tuple[bool, CollisionPair]: ''' Checks if this object is in collision with another object. Returns a bool as well as its and its collided pair's parent. Note that this should only be used for quick collision checks with a single other object Parameters ---------- other : CollisionObject the object to check collision against Returns ------- collided: bool whether self is in collision with other pair : tuple[int, int] pair of self.parent and other.parent ''' # skip collision check if they share the same parent if self.parent == other.parent and self.parent is not None: return (False, tuple()) # check collision collided = self._collision_handle.in_collision_other(other._collision_handle) return (True, (self.parent, other.parent)) if collided else (False, tuple())