from rtd.planner.trajectory import Trajectory, InvalidTrajectory
from rtd.planner.trajopt import TrajOptProps
from rtd.entity.states import ArmRobotState
from armour.reachsets import JRSInstance
from rtd.functional.vectools import rescale
import numpy as np
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vec, Mat, Vecnp, Matnp, Bound, Bounds, Boundsnp
[docs]class PiecewiseArmTrajectory(Trajectory):
The original ArmTD trajectory with piecewise accelerations
[docs] def __init__(self, trajOptProps: TrajOptProps, startState: ArmRobotState, jrsInstance: JRSInstance):
The PiecewiseArmTrajectory constructor, which simply sets parameters and
attempts to call internalUpdate, a helper function made for this
class to update all other internal parameters once fully
# initialize base classes
# set properties
self.vectorized = True
self.trajOptProps = trajOptProps
self.startState = startState
self.jrsInstance = jrsInstance
# precomputed values
self.q_ddot: float = None
self.q_peak: float = None
self.q_dot_peak: float = None
self.q_ddot_to_stop: float = None
self.q_end: float = None
[docs] def setParameters(self, trajectoryParams: Vecnp, startState: ArmRobotState = None,
jrsInstance: JRSInstance = None):
Set the parameters of the trajectory, with a focus on the
parameters as the state should be set from the constructor
self.trajectoryParams = trajectoryParams
if self.trajectoryParams.size > self.jrsInstance.n_q:
self.trajectoryParams = self.trajectoryParams[:self.jrsInstance.n_q]
if startState is not None:
self.startState = startState
if jrsInstance is not None:
self.jrsInstance = jrsInstance
# perform internal update
[docs] def validate(self, throwOnError: bool = False) -> bool:
Validate that the trajectory is fully characterized
# non-empty
valid = (self.trajectoryParams is not None)
valid &= (self.jrsInstance is not None)
valid &= (self.startState is not None)
# trajectory params makes sense
valid &= (self.trajectoryParams.size == self.jrsInstance.n_q)
# throw error if wanted
if not valid and throwOnError:
raise InvalidTrajectory("Called trajectory object does not have complete parameterization!")
return valid
[docs] def internalUpdate(self):
Update internal parameters to reduce long term calculations
# rename variables
q_0 = self.startState.position[...,np.newaxis]
q_dot_0 = self.startState.velocity[...,np.newaxis]
# scale the parameters
jout = self.jrsInstance.output_range
jin = self.jrsInstance.input_range
self.q_ddot = rescale(self.trajectoryParams, jout[0], jout[1], jin[0], jin[1])[...,np.newaxis]
# compute the peak parameters
self.q_peak = q_0 + q_dot_0*self.trajOptProps.planTime + 0.5*self.q_ddot*self.trajOptProps.planTime**2
self.q_dot_peak = q_dot_0 + self.q_ddot*self.trajOptProps.planTime
# compute the stopping parameters
self.q_ddot_to_stop = (0-self.q_dot_peak) / (self.trajOptProps.horizonTime-self.trajOptProps.planTime)
self.q_end = (self.q_peak + self.q_dot_peak*self.trajOptProps.planTime
+ 0.5*self.q_ddot_to_stop*self.trajOptProps.planTime**2)
[docs] def getCommand(self, time: Vecnp) -> ArmRobotState:
Computes the actual input commands for the given time.
throws InvalidTrajectory if the trajectory isn't set
# Do a parameter check and time check, and throw if anything is
# invalid.
t_shifted = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(time - self.startState.time))
if np.any(t_shifted < 0):
raise InvalidTrajectory("Invalid time provided to PiecewiseArmTrajectory")
# Mask the first and second half of the trajectory
t_plan_mask = t_shifted < self.trajOptProps.planTime
t_stop_mask = (t_shifted < self.trajOptProps.horizonTime) ^ t_plan_mask
t_plan_vals = t_shifted[t_plan_mask]
t_stop_vals = t_shifted[t_stop_mask] - self.trajOptProps.planTime
# Create the combined state variable
t_size = time.size
n_q = self.jrsInstance.n_q
pos_idx = np.arange(n_q)
vel_idx = pos_idx + n_q
acc_idx = vel_idx + n_q
state = np.zeros((n_q*3, t_size))
# Rename variables
q_0 = self.startState.position[...,np.newaxis]
q_dot_0 = self.startState.velocity[...,np.newaxis]
# Compute the first half of the trajectory
if np.any(t_plan_mask):
state[np.ix_(pos_idx,t_plan_mask)] = q_0 + q_dot_0*t_plan_vals + 0.5*self.q_ddot*t_plan_vals**2
state[np.ix_(vel_idx,t_plan_mask)] = q_dot_0 + self.q_ddot*t_plan_vals
state[np.ix_(acc_idx,t_plan_mask)] = self.q_ddot
# Compute the second half of the trajectory
if any(t_stop_mask):
state[np.ix_(pos_idx,t_stop_mask)] = (self.q_peak + self.q_dot_peak*t_stop_vals
+ 0.5*self.q_ddot_to_stop*t_stop_vals**2)
state[np.ix_(vel_idx,t_stop_mask)] = self.q_dot_peak + self.q_ddot_to_stop*t_stop_vals
state[np.ix_(acc_idx,t_stop_mask)] = self.q_ddot_to_stop
# Update all states after the horizon time
state[np.ix_(pos_idx, np.logical_not(t_plan_mask|t_stop_mask))] = np.reshape(self.q_end, (self.q_end.size,1))
# Generate the output.
command = ArmRobotState(pos_idx, vel_idx, acc_idx)
command.time = time
command.state = state
return command