- class armour.trajectory.PiecewiseArmTrajectory(trajOptProps: TrajOptProps, startState: ArmRobotState, jrsInstance: JRSInstance)[source]
The original ArmTD trajectory with piecewise accelerations
- __init__(trajOptProps: TrajOptProps, startState: ArmRobotState, jrsInstance: JRSInstance)[source]
The PiecewiseArmTrajectory constructor, which simply sets parameters and attempts to call internalUpdate, a helper function made for this class to update all other internal parameters once fully parameterized
(trajOptProps, startState, jrsInstance)The PiecewiseArmTrajectory constructor, which simply sets parameters and attempts to call internalUpdate, a helper function made for this class to update all other internal parameters once fully parameterized
(time)Computes the actual input commands for the given time.
()Update internal parameters to reduce long term calculations
(trajectoryParams[, ...])Set the parameters of the trajectory, with a focus on the parameters as the state should be set from the constructor
([throwOnError])Validate that the trajectory is fully characterized
- getCommand(time: NDArray[Shape[N], float64]) ArmRobotState [source]
Computes the actual input commands for the given time. throws InvalidTrajectory if the trajectory isn’t set
- setParameters(trajectoryParams: NDArray[Shape[N], float64], startState: ArmRobotState = None, jrsInstance: JRSInstance = None)[source]
Set the parameters of the trajectory, with a focus on the parameters as the state should be set from the constructor