Source code for armour.trajectory.ZeroHoldArmTrajectory

from rtd.planner.trajectory import Trajectory, InvalidTrajectory
from rtd.entity.states import ArmRobotState
import numpy as np
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vecnp

[docs]class ZeroHoldArmTrajectory(Trajectory):
[docs] def __init__(self, startState: ArmRobotState): ''' The ZeroHoldArmTrajectory constructor, which simply sets parameters and attempts to call internalUpdate, a helper function made for this class to update all other internal parameters once fully parameterized ''' # initialize base classes Trajectory.__init__(self) # set properties self.vectorized = True self.startState = startState
[docs] def setParameters(self, trajectoryParams: Vecnp, startState: ArmRobotState = None): ''' Set the parameters of the trajectory, with a focus on the parameters as the state should be set from the constructor ''' if startState is not None: self.startState = startState self.trajectoryParams = trajectoryParams self.startState = startState
[docs] def validate(self, throwOnError: bool = False) -> bool: ''' Validate that the trajectory is fully characterized ''' # Make sure we actually have a robot state to work with valid = (self.startState is not None) if not valid and throwOnError: raise InvalidTrajectory("Must have some existing robot state to use this!") return valid
[docs] def getCommand(self, time: Vecnp) -> ArmRobotState: ''' Computes the actual input commands for the given time. throws InvalidTrajectory if the trajectory isn't set ''' # Do a parameter check and time check, and throw if anything is # invalid self.validate(True) if np.any(time < self.startState.time): raise InvalidTrajectory("Invalid time provided to ZeroHoldArmTrajectory") # Make the state n_q = self.startState.num_joints # q: (n_q,) state = np.tile(np.reshape(np.append(self.startState.position,0), (n_q+1,1)), time.size) # state: (n_q+1, n_time) pos_idx = np.arange(n_q) acc_vel_idx = np.ones(n_q, dtype=int)*n_q # Generate the output command = ArmRobotState(pos_idx, acc_vel_idx, acc_vel_idx) command.time = time command.state = state return command