
class armour.trajectory.ZeroHoldArmTrajectory(startState: ArmRobotState)[source]

Bases: Trajectory

__init__(startState: ArmRobotState)[source]

The ZeroHoldArmTrajectory constructor, which simply sets parameters and attempts to call internalUpdate, a helper function made for this class to update all other internal parameters once fully parameterized



The ZeroHoldArmTrajectory constructor, which simply sets parameters and attempts to call internalUpdate, a helper function made for this class to update all other internal parameters once fully parameterized


Computes the actual input commands for the given time.

setParameters(trajectoryParams[, startState])

Set the parameters of the trajectory, with a focus on the parameters as the state should be set from the constructor


Validate that the trajectory is fully characterized

getCommand(time: NDArray[Shape[N], float64]) ArmRobotState[source]

Computes the actual input commands for the given time. throws InvalidTrajectory if the trajectory isn’t set

setParameters(trajectoryParams: NDArray[Shape[N], float64], startState: ArmRobotState = None)[source]

Set the parameters of the trajectory, with a focus on the parameters as the state should be set from the constructor

validate(throwOnError: bool = False) bool[source]

Validate that the trajectory is fully characterized