Source code for rtd.planner.trajectory.Trajectory

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from rtd.entity.states import EntityState
from rtd.planner.trajopt import TrajOptProps
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vecnp

[docs]class Trajectory(metaclass=ABCMeta): ''' Base class for a parameterized trajectory This encapsulates the conversion of parameters used in optimization to the actual trajectory generated from those parameters. This can also be used by an `Objective` object as part of the objective function call. It should be generated with some `TrajectoryFactory` '''
[docs] def __init__(self): # Properties from the trajectory optimization, which also describes # the properties for the trajectory self.trajOptProps: TrajOptProps = None # The parameters used for this trajectory self.trajectoryParams: Vecnp = None # The time at which this trajectory is valid self.startTime: float = None # Set to true if this trajectory supports getting commands for a # time vector instead of just a single moment in time self.vectorized = False
[docs] @abstractmethod def validate(self, throwOnError: bool = False) -> bool: ''' Validates if the trajectory is parameterized right A validation method to ensure that the trajectory this object describes is fully set. Has an additional argument to allow throwing an error if incorrect Arguments: throwOnError: bool: whether or not to throw InvalidTrajectory if invalid Returns: bool: whether or not the trajectory is valid ''' pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def setParameters(self, trajectoryParams: Vecnp, **options): ''' Set the parameters for the trajectory This allows for the entire trajectory described to be changed, but it should focus on this trajectory params while the constructor should focus on the start state Arguments: trajectoryParams: the parameters of the trajectory to set ''' pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def getCommand(self, time: float | Vecnp) -> EntityState: ''' Computes the actual state to track for the given time Should throw InvalidTrajectory if the trajectory isn't set Should take Vecnp as `time` if `vectorized` is True Arguments: time: Time to use to calculate the desired state for this trajectory Returns: EntityState: Desired state at the given time ''' pass
[docs]class InvalidTrajectory(Exception): ''' An exception thrown when `validate()` of a trajectory fails ''' pass