Source code for rtd.planner.trajectory.TrajectoryFactory

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from rtd.entity.states import EntityState
from rtd.planner.trajopt import TrajOptProps
from rtd.planner.trajectory import Trajectory
from rtd.planner.reachsets import ReachSetInstance
from rtd.util.mixins.Typings import Vecnp

[docs]class TrajectoryFactory(metaclass=ABCMeta): ''' Base class for the Trajectory factory object This should be used to initialize desired instaces of `rtd.planner.trajectory.Trajectory` '''
[docs] def __init__(self): # Properties from the trajectory optimization, which also describe # properties for a trajectory self.trajOptProps: TrajOptProps = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def createTrajectory(self, robotState: EntityState, rsInstances: dict[str, ReachSetInstance] = None, trajectoryParams: Vecnp = None, **options) -> Trajectory: ''' Factory method to create the trajectory This method constructs any relevant Trajectory objects and fully parameterizes them if desired. Additional options can be set in here, or handled in the class properties Arguments: robotState: EntityState: Initial state of the robot rsInstances: dict: Optional dict holding instances of reachablesets for the given state trajectoryParms: Optional parameters to fully parameterize the trajectories generated Returns: Trajectory: Desired Trajectory Object ''' pass