
class rtd.planner.trajectory.TrajectoryFactory[source]

Bases: object

Base class for the Trajectory factory object

This should be used to initialize desired instaces of rtd.planner.trajectory.Trajectory




createTrajectory(robotState[, rsInstances, ...])

Factory method to create the trajectory

abstract createTrajectory(robotState: EntityState, rsInstances: dict[str, rtd.planner.reachsets.ReachSetInstance.ReachSetInstance] = None, trajectoryParams: NDArray[Shape[N], float64] = None, **options) <module 'rtd.planner.trajectory.Trajectory' from '/rtd/rtd/planner/trajectory/Trajectory.py'>[source]

Factory method to create the trajectory

This method constructs any relevant Trajectory objects and fully parameterizes them if desired. Additional options can be set in here, or handled in the class properties

  • robotState – EntityState: Initial state of the robot

  • rsInstances – dict: Optional dict holding instances of reachablesets for the given state

  • trajectoryParms – Optional parameters to fully parameterize the trajectories generated


Desired Trajectory Object

Return type:
